FtsZ levels in MNR2. (A) Strains MEW1, MEW649, and MNR2 were grown in minimal medium, LB, or LBNS, all supplemented with glucose. MEW649 and MNR2 were also supplemented with SAM, and MEW649 was supplemented with methionine. After 8 h, cells were lysed by sonication, and total protein was extracted and was analyzed by Western blotting (see Materials and Methods). (B and C) MNR2A/pftsZ was grown at 37°C in LBNS supplemented with glucose and SAM, either without IPTG (B) or with the addition of 10 μM IPTG (C). Cells were fixed after 8 h and were examined by phase-contrast microscopy. Bar, 10 μm. The mean lengths of the cells from all the photographs taken in this experiment are given in the text.