Fig. 4.
No IBNtxA reversal of inflammatory and neuropathic mechanical allodynia in Oprm1 exon 11 KO mice. A) CFA allodynia and its reversal by 0.5 mg/kg IBNtxA in WT and KO mice; symbols represent mean ± SEM hind paw withdrawal thresholds (g) of mice before CFA (BL), on day 4 post-CFA (Day 4), and 15–120 min post-IBNtxA administration. B) SNI allodynia and its reversal by 0.5 mg/kg IBNtxA in WT and KO mice; symbols represent mean ± SEM hind paw withdrawal thresholds (g) of mice before surgery (BL), on day 14 post-SNI (Day 14), and 15–120 min post-IBNtxA administration. C) Data from graphs A and B expressed as percentage of the maximum possible anti-allodynia (see Materials and Methods). *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001 compared to WT. Sample sizes are n=5–6 mice/genotype/assay.