Fig. 5.
qPCR of Oprm1 splice variants following SNI (7 days post-surgery) or CFA (3 days post-injection) in the DRG, spinal cord, and PAG. Variants are placed into three groupings from left to right [11]: 7-TM variants (mE1–2, total exon 1–2-derived variants, plus individual variants), 6-TM variants, and 1-TM variants. Bars represent mean ± SEM ratios of the injury/sham groups with three technical replicates nested within n=4 pooled biological replicates. The variant displaying values statistically significantly different (p<0.05) from 1.0 (two-tailed; Dunn-Sidak corrected for multiple comparisons) is shown in red. The dotted lines indicate a ratio of 1.0.