Figure 3.
Dissecting images of isolated gynostemia of eight Bulbophyllum clade C species showing both outcrossing (Type I) and selfing (Type II/III) morphs. Images are arranged according to species and mating morph. A, A′, Bulbophyllum complanatum (Type I and II, respectively). B, B′, Bulbophyllum humblotii (I, II). C, C′, Bulbophyllum erectum (I, II). D, D′, Bulbophyllum occultum (I, II). E, E′, E", Bulbophyllum bicoloratum (I, II, III). F, F′, Bulbophyllum quadrifarium (I, II). G, G′, Bulbophyllum pusillum (I, II). H, H′, Bulbophyllum obtusatum (I, II). a, anther; c, column; dr, displaced (sub-erect) rostellum; p, pollinia; r, rostellum; s, stigmatic cavity; st, stelidium. Scale bar = 0.5 mm. All photographs by A. Gamisch. Images E and E″ are modified from Gamisch et al. (2013).