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. 2014 Jun 12;24:14009. doi: 10.1038/npjpcrm.2014.9

Table 6. Other European surveys and studies of patients with asthma.

Study name Number of countriesa Number of patients Age, years Survey design Prevalence of uncontrolled asthma Experienced symptoms Rescue medication use
European National Health and Wellness Survey5 (2010 data) 5 3,848 18 and above Repeated cross-sectional survey 54% (‘not well-controlled’) NR as percentage of patients ~75% >2 times per week (not well-controlled population)
The Living and Breathing study20 1 517 14–65 Quantitative face-to-face interview NR 66% (>2 times per week) 32% daily
Global Asthma Insights and Reality Survey16 7 2,803 Children (<16) and adults Telephone questionnaire NR 56% (in the previous 4 weeks) NR
International Control of Asthma Symptoms17 7b 802 16 and above Computer-aided telephone interview 82% (‘absence of control’) 74% (in the previous 8 weeks) 62% (>1 use in the previous 8 weeks)
Asthma Insight and Management in Europe and Canada (EUCAN AIM) survey25 5 2,019 Adolescents (12–17) and adults Telephone interview 12–35%c 13–29%c (every day or most days in the previous 4 weeks) 31–56%c (>1 use per week, over the past year)
UK asthma survey38 1 1,083 18 and above Online questionnaire survey NR 65% (in the past 2 years) 41% (⩾1/day)
Understanding patients with asthma and COPD18 5 1,022 18 and above Online questionnaire survey 38% (ACQ >1.5) NR 58% (>1–2 most days)

Abbreviations: ACQ, Asthma Control Questionnaire; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; NR, not reported.


Unless otherwise specified, only European countries are included in this table.


Includes Canada and Australia.


Range across all countries.