Figure 1.
PEG-SWCNTs used to deliver mASOs into chondrocytes. (A) Amino-functionalized PEG-SWCNTs were obtained by coating the sidewalls of pristine (nonfunctionalized) SWCNTs with phospholipids modified with amino-terminated PEG chains. Fluorochrome-conjugated PEG-SWCNTs (PEG-SWCNT-650 or PEG-SWCNT-750) were fabricated by capping PEG terminal amino groups on amino-functionalized PEG-SWCNTs with either 650 or 750 nm emitting fluorochromes, whereas PEG-SWCNTs loaded with mASOs (PEG-SWCNT-mASOs) were obtained by adsorption of mASO molecules onto PEG-SWCNT-650. (B) AFM (topography) image (scan size 2 × 2 μμ2) and length distributions for amino-functionalized PEG-SWCNTs. (C–E) AFM images (topography), 3D-reconstructions, longitudinal cross sections, and values for the average height of PEG shell (hm) for representative amino-functionalized PEG-SWCNTs (C) and PEG-SWCNT-mASOs (D and E). Black arrow indicates the portion of SWCNT sidewall that was exposed because it was devoid of PEG coverage. (F) Distribution of average heights of PEG shell (hm) for amino-functionalized PEG-SWCNTs (cyan histogram) and PEG-SWCNT-mASOs (pink histogram). Mean values of hm are reported. Scan size: 800 × 800 nm2 (C), 700 × 700 nm2 (D), and 500 × 500 nm2 (E).