Table 1.
Variables Significantly Predicted (p<.001) by Continuous Anxiety and/or Insistence on Sameness Scores
Anxiety T-scores | IS Raw Totals | ||
Intercept (SE) | B(SE) | B (SE) | |
RBS-R Overall | −3.4(10.2) | 0.7(0.2)* | n.s. |
RBS-R Ritualistic | −3.0(2.4) | 0.2(0.1)^ | n.s. |
RBS-R Sameness | −5.3(3.6) | 0.2(0.1)* | n.s. |
ABC Total | −23.3(15.2) | 1.6(0.3)* | n.s. |
ABC Irritability | −12.8(5.2) | 0.5(0.1)* | n.s. |
ABC Hyperactivity | −0.03(6.5) | 0.5(0.1)* | n.s. |
ABC Lethargy | −10.9(4.5) | 0.3(0.1)* | n.s. |
CBCL Internalizing | 3.6(4.2) | 0.8(0.1)* | n.s. |
CBCL Externalizing | 19.7(6.4) | 0.7(0.1)* | n.s. |
CBCL Thought | 47.7(5.1) | 0.3(0.1)* | n.s. |
CBCL Social Problems | 36.3(4.5) | 0.3(0.1)* | n.s. |
CBCL Attention | 36.0(6.2) | 0.6(0.1)* | n.s. |
CBCL Aggressive | 33.6(5.6) | 0.5(0.1)* | n.s. |
CBCL ADHD | 38.0(5.1) | 0.4(0.1)* | n.s. |
=Significant at p<.001.
=Approaching significance (p=.001).
n.s. =Not significant at p<.001.
Note. Categorical groupings (Anxiety clinical cut by IS 25-50-25 percent splits) had identical significant results with the following exceptions: neither anxiety nor IS categorical level predicted RBS-R Overall or CBCL Thought subscales, and higher IS level significantly predicted RBS-R Ritualistic subscale, Intercept B=5.4(SE=0.5), IS B=1.4(SE=.04).