Fig 9. TSA impedes VEGF-induced tube formation in HUVECs.
1 × 104 of HUVECs treated with 0–1 μM TSA for 24 h were transferred in 150 μL of endothelium basal medium + 1% FBS with or without 25 ng/mL of human recombinant VEGF and the corresponding concentrations of TSA then incubated on 50 μL of Geltrex Reduced Growth Factor Basement Membrane Matrix gel in 96-well plates for 2 h. (A) Phase-contrast microscopy documented that tube formation induced by VEGF was inhibited by TSA in a dose-dependent manner. (B) Quantification of the amount of tube formation under different treatment conditions. (*: t test p<0.05) (bar = 200 μm).