Table 1. Mean values (n = 45)1 and ANOVA 2 for score of iNOS, S100 and cytokeratin intensity of immunostaining 3 observed in the muscle tissue of pacus inoculated with BCG.
Period | iNOS | S100 | Cytokeratin |
3 | 2.77A | 1.25D | 0.00C |
7 | 2.81A | 1.40D | 0.00C |
14 | 2.51B | 1.84C | 1.73B |
21 | 2.46B | 2.48B | 2.33AB |
33 | 1.80C | 2.73A | 2.86A |
F value | 20.63 | 43.20 | 38.05 |
Pr>F 4 | <.0001 | <.0001 | <.0001 |
CV 4 | 28.53 | 26.93 | 80.27 |
1 Mean values (n = 45: nine fish X five fields analyzed per animal) with at least one letter in common do not differ by the T test.
2 The analysis of variance within each parameter was represented by capital letters (columns) for comparison of data from each treatment through the experimental days.
3 Immunostaining score: 0 (without immunostaining), +1 (Weak = 10 to 20% of positive cells), +2 (Moderate = 20 to 50%) and +3 (Strong = ≥50%).
4 Pr>F: Probability of significance associated to the F value/ CV: Coefficient of variation.