Main figure shows microarray analysis for the TRP superfamily. Expression of each TRP mRNA was assessed by RMA analysis from murine small intestinal K (K+) and L (L+) cells, colonic L-cells (LC+), as well as GLUTag and STC-1 cell lines. Each primary enteroendocrine cell population was compared to their respective negative population (K−, L− and LC−). Inset shows real-time quantitative PCR analysis of trpa1 mRNA in the upper small intestine (USI) and lower small intestine (LSI) within murine L+ and L− cell populations, as well as GLUTag cells. Values are normalised to the expression of β-actin from the same cell populations (n≥3, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001, two-way unpaired Student’s t-test).