(A) Linear approximation of phase-4 depolarization in a deterministic model of a pacemaker cell. The linear phase can be roughly attributed to the depolarization phase from end-diastolic voltage to vm = −40 mV. (B–D) Procedure steps for extracting M(t), ∂M(t)/∂t, and σ2 from stochastic simulation data. In the first step, Mi(t) during each phase-4 depolarization interval i is approximated by linear curve fitting (B, bold traces). Next, the fitted Mi(t) values are subtracted from the membrane voltage signal vm(t) during the phase-4 intervals. All other intervals are assigned with an artificial value of 0 (C). Finally, a phase-4 signal is generated by concatenating the subtracted signal segments that temporally correspond to phase-4 depolarization (D).