Re-introducing Pltp gene into PLTP-KO primary hepatocytes restores the synthesis and secretion of apoB:1000. Primary hepatocytes from PLTP knock-out mice were transduced with Adv-apoB:1000 with or without co-transduction with Adv-PLTP and metabolically labeled with [35S]Met/Cys. Secreted and cellular 35S-labeled apoB:1000 was immunoprecipitated using antibody to human apoB100 and processed as described in the text. A, autoradiogram of secreted and cellular 35S-labeled apoB:1000 of hepatocytes transduced with Adv-apoB:1000 only (lane 1) or Adv-apoB:1000 plus Adv-PLTP (lane 2). B, intensities of 35S-labeled apoB:1000 bands were normalized for cell protein and plotted as mean ± S.E. (error bars) of triplicate dishes. a, p = 0.04; b, p = 0.02; c, p = 0.002 PLTP knock-out versus PLTP knock-out plus PLTP.