Data |
Space group |
C2 |
Cell parameters (Å) |
142.1, 64.6, 116.0, β = 103.1° |
Resolution range (last shell) (Å) |
69.2–2.4 (2.5–2.4) |
Number of observations |
136,588 |
Number of unique reflections |
38,471 |
Completeness (last shell) (%) |
99.4 (98.8) |
<I>/<σ(I)> (last shell) |
9.7 (2.7) |
CC1/2 (last shell) |
0.995 (0.77) |
Average B-factor of the model (A2) |
41 |
Wilson B-factor (Å2) |
36.0 |
Model |
Subunits in asymmetric unit |
1 |
Number of water molecules |
224 |
Resolution used for refinement (Å) |
69.2-2.4 |
Sigma cutoff (F/σ(F)) |
0.0 |
R-factor (last shell) |
0.21 (0.24) |
Free R (last shell) |
0.29 (0.33) |
Root mean square deviation from ideal geometry: bonds (Å)/angles (°) |
0.009/1.21 |
Ramachandran plot: favored/outliers (%) |
94/1.5 |