Figure 5.
(a) Response to a short pulse (10 ms) of agonist (cag = 10Kd,R = 1.67 mM), for varying continuous concentration of anesthetic: can = 0 (black line), 0.3 mM (black dashed line), 0.9 mM (black dotted line), 1.5 mM (black dot-dashed line), 1.8 mM (blue line), 2.1 mM (blue dashed line), 2.7 mM (blue dotted line), and 3.6 mM (blue dot-dashed line). (b) Solid curve, Q(can)/Q(0): dependence of total ion flow (integrated current) on can, relative to total ion flow for can = 0. Dashed curve, ƒO,peak(can)/ƒO,peak(0): dependence of peak open fraction on can, relative to peak open fraction for can = 0. To see this figure in color, go online.