Fig. 6.
Example of the XUV volume heating production rate (top left), temperature profile (top right), density profile (bottom left) and the velocity profile (bottom right) for a hydrogen-rich martian upper atmosphere with z0=100 km by assuming a heating efficiency of 15% (dotted lines) and 40% (dashed lines) and a temperature T0 at the base of the thermosphere of 200 K as a function of distance in planetary radii for a hydrogen-dominated upper atmosphere at Mars, that is exposed to a 100 times higher XUV flux compared to today's solar value. The solid line shown in the velocity profiles corresponds to the escape velocity as a function of distance. The dashed–dotted lines () and the dashed–dotted–dotted–dotted lines () correspond to similar profiles but with . The hydrogen atoms reach the escape velocity below the theoretical exobase level at a location of for and at ~24 for .