Figure 5.
Clustering and dynamic partitioning of CTxB on the NIH3T3 cell membrane. (a) Brightness map of the cell. The green pixels are the brightness value attributed to monomers (or small aggregates), the red (30 mers), and blue (50 mers) pixels are pixels displaying higher level aggregates. (b) Map of corrected offset values. Yellows are larger values and blue smaller values. The inset shows the mean value represented by the green square and the median by the red circle. The open rectangle is the 1st to the 3rd quartile and the bars the 0.1 to 0.9 percentile. The bar equals 18.56 μm. (c) Effect of particle size on the diffusion rates. The linear regression represented by the dashed line is the trend observed for all the points (diamonds and triangle) regardless of the aggregation state of the molecules. The triangles highlight the points obtained for ROI containing high levels of aggregates and the solid line represents the linear regression obtained for those points. (d) Subset of the data presented in (c) but for ROI void of CTxB aggregates. Because in this case, there is no influence of the particle size on the offset, the data can be plotted as a function of offset converted in domain size (i.e., SQRT(offset)). The solid line is the linear regression. To see this figure in color, go online.