Table 1.
Final codebook for content analysis.
Variable | Code | Description |
Organizational affiliation | UNI | UNIVERSITY: Produced in affiliation with a university or other academic institution |
MEDC | MEDICAL CENTER: Produced in affiliation with a medical institution | |
GOVT | GOVERNMENT: Produced in affiliation with a government institution | |
INST | INSTITUTION: An explicit association (ie, foundation, center, NGO, church) | |
OTHER | OTHER: There is a clear but unclassifiable affiliation (eg, LLC, LLP, Inc.), not .com | |
INSUFF | INSUFFICIENT: The affiliation cannot be confirmed by available info | |
Content source | EXP | EXPERT: Developed by/with an accredited medical professional (eg, Dr., LCSW) |
EXT | EXTERNAL SOURCE: From specific external source (eg, BDI, DSM, Bible) but not “based on” or inspired by a theory/practice (eg, cognitive behavioral therapy) | |
LAY | LAYPERSON: Source identified but no credential mentioned. Non-medical expertise clearly indicated by detailed bio or qualifier (eg, years of experience) | |
PLE | PERSON LIVED EXPERIENCE: Indication that app is developed by people with lived experience | |
INSUFF | INSUFFICIENT: No direct information provided about origin of intervention | |
Audience | ADULT | ADULT: Adult or high maturity, age 18+ |
YADULT | YOUNG ADULT: Medium maturity, age 12+ | |
YOUTH | YOUTH: Low maturity, age 9+ | |
ALL | ALL: “Everyone,” age 4+, “general,” no rating | |
Main purpose | PE | PSYCHOEDUCATION: Educational material that includes books or guides, news or journal articles, commentaries/opinions, tips, and lessons |
MA | MEDICAL ASSESSMENT: Allows users to screen, diagnose, assess risk, determine treatment | |
SM | SYMPTOM MANAGEMENT: Allows users to track symptoms – only for mood diaries | |
SR | SUPPORTIVE RESOURCES: Provides referrals for help or connects users with support. May include the use of forums | |
TT | THERAPEUTIC TREATMENT: Provides therapy and includes functions that support relaxation (eg, hypnosis, binaural beats); meditation, spiritual faith-based solutions; holistic therapy (eg, diet, exercise, nutrition, lifestyle, cannabis); and positive affirmation | |
MULTI | MULTIPLE PURPOSES: Use only if indistinguishable overlap of categories | |
User interface | INFO | INFORMATION ONLY: Static user interface that provides minimal interaction (eg, e-book). The only interactions available are for settings or navigation |
TOOL | TOOL: Dynamic user interface that provides an interactive component to app (ie, games, social media consultation) or allows users to input data | |
Media type | AUD | AUDIO: Audio only (with supporting background images/text) |
TXT | TEXT ONLY: Text only (with supporting background images) – eg, e-book | |
PIC | PICTORIAL: Pictures only (eg, wallpaper) | |
VID | VIDEO: Video only | |
VIS | VISUAL: Animations or graphics or charts (ie, no audio or video) | |
MULTI | MULTIMEDIA: Used more than one of the categories above | |
INSUFF | INSUFFICIENT: Not enough information to determine types of media used |