Table 2.
Characteristics of emergency physicians from the 2 study hospitals (N=61).
Participant characteristics | Total, n (%) | |
Gender |
Female | 30 (49) |
Male | 31 (51) |
Age (years) |
20-29 | 20 (33) |
30-39 | 17 (28) |
40-49 | 16 (26) |
50-59 | 5 (8) |
60-69 | 3 (5) |
Position a |
Senior emergency physician | 21 (34) |
Registrar | 25 (41) |
SRMO | 15 (25) |
Years in practice |
<5 | 25 (41) |
5-10 | 12 (20) |
11-15 | 10 (16) |
16-20 | 4 (7) |
>21 | 10 (16) |
a Senior emergency physicians are board certified specialists in emergency medicine; registrars and senior resident medical officers (SRMOs) are physicians in senior fellowship or residency positions.