Figure 3.
Oxidant stress is greater in injured muscles from alcohol-fed mice during regeneration. Glutathione (GSH), oxidized glutathione (GSSG), and total protein oxidation were used as markers of oxidant stress due to chronic alcohol ingestion and muscle injury. (A) Levels of GSH were lower in uninjured muscle and in muscle 14 days after injury in alcohol-fed mice. (B) Although GSSG levels were lower in uninjured muscle from alcohol-fed mice muscle compared to controls, these levels rose in TA muscles from alcohol-fed at 2 and 7 days following injury before normalizing at day 14. (C) The GSSG/GSH ratio, a marker of glutathione status, suggested increased oxidant stress 7 and 14 days after injury in muscle from alcohol-fed mice. (D) Total protein oxidation based on carbonyl formation suggested that muscle from alcohol-fed mice is more oxidized basally, and at 2 and 7 days following injury. Significance was accepted at p ≤ 0.05. *, compared to control-fed, uninjured group. #, compared to control-fed, injured group matched to time following injury.