Figure 6.
Effect of TA1 on TRPV1 channels. (A) Typical whole-cell current traces recorded from putative nociceptors in culture. TA1 (1, 10 or 100 nM) shows no effect per se on whole-cell current in capsaicin-sensitive neurons (n = 5). (B) Left, representative traces obtained from cultured DRG neurons showing the capsaicin-induced, TRPV1-mediated currents in control and in presence of TA1. Right, scatter graph comparing the effect of capsaicin (150 nM) in control conditions and in neurons pre-incubated with TA1 (10 min, 10 nM). Pre-incubation with TA1 did not modulate capsaicin induced-inward currents (P = 0.632; n = 5).