Fig. 6.
DKK1-Ab had no significant effect on fracture healing in β-cateninPrx1ER mice. Fracture procedure was performed in 10-week-old β-cateninPrx1ER and Cre-negative control mice. Tamoxifen was injected for 5 days immediately following fracture followed by treatment with DKK1-Ab. Radiographs showed that fracture healing was accelerated by DKK1-Ab treatment in Cre-negative control mice. In contrast, DKK1-Ab had no significant effect on fracture healing in β-cateninPrx1ER mice. Fracture lines are still clear at day 21 and 28 in β-cateninPrx1ER mice with or without DKK1-Ab. Red arrows: fracture lines. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)