Figure 6. Appendicular defects in Acvr1fx/fx;Bmpr1b−/−;Col2a1-Cre (Acvr1CKO/Bmpr1b−/−) mice.
Cleared skeletal preparations from E17.5 autopods of forelimbs (A-D) and hindlimbs (E-H) stained with alcian blue/nuclear fast red. A blue filter was applied in Photoshop to the images to enhance visualization of alcian blue-stained regions. Arrows in B and F point to reduced or absent ossification in phalangeal elements in Acvr1CKO mice. Arrow in H highlights absence of ossification in the Acvr1CKO/Bmprb−/− hindlimb compared to the Acvr1CKO and Bmpr1b−/− single mutant strains.