Gene ontology analysis of the genes bound by STAU1 in the 3′ UTR (red) and in the CDS (purple), using the DAVID Gene Ontology Tool57 and visualized using ReviGO58. Node colour indicates the p-value (threshold: p-value < 10−6 - FDR < 0.01), and node size indicates the frequency of the GO term in the GOA database. Each gene is mapped only to the most specific terms that are applicable to it (in each ontology). Highly similar GO terms are linked by edges in the graph, with the edge width depicting the degree of similarity. a, Diagram summarizing the enriched Biological Processes GO terms. 3′ UTR-bound mRNAs tend to encode proteins that function in intracellular transport (in red), whereas CDS-bound mRNAs tend to encode proteins that function in the cell cycle M phase (in blue). b, Diagram summarizing the enriched Cellular Components GO terms in the context of their location in the cell. 3′ UTR-bound mRNAs tend to encode membrane proteins that are translated at the ER (in red), whereas CDS-bound mRNAs tend to encode nuclear proteins (in blue). c, Schematic diagram of the functional analyses of CDS and 3′ UTR bound mRNAs. 3′ UTR-bound mRNAs tend to be highly translated and encode membrane proteins that are translated at the ER (in gray). CDS-bound mRNAs tend to be lowly translated and encode nuclear proteins that function in the cell cycle M phase. Loops formed by RNA duplexes in the 3′ UTR tend to be longer than in the CDS, and 3′ UTRs have higher density of bound duplexes.