Fig 1. Retinal glial conditioned medium promotes neurite growth and branching of adult rat DRG in culture.
Effects of retinal glial conditioned medium on (A) neurite growth and (B) survival of DRG in culture. Results consist of the means (± SEM) of 4 separate experiments. Photomicrographs of either (C) untreated DRG or (D) retinal glial conditioned medium treated DRG. (E) Neurite branching of adult rat DRG is significantly increased when cells are cultured in glial conditioned medium. Results consist of the means (± SEM) of 3 separate experiments. Significant differences are indicated by asterisk (P < 0.01 = **, P < 0.001 = ***). Adult rat DRG were cultured for 2 days. Scale bars: 100μm.