Figure 5. Stall force ratio, actin architecture, and myosin rigidity together tune directional flux.
(A) Minimal model of coupled myosin V (red) and myosin VI (blue) movement on an actin filament (green). The net compliance in the coupled system is modeled as a simple harmonic spring with stiffness ks. Each motor takes either a forward or backward step, based on whether the inter-motor tension after the step (T) is below or above the stall force (Flow − myosin VI; Fhigh − myosin V). (B) Outward flux of the mixed-motor ensemble (Φout) on single actin filaments as a function of the normalized inter-motor tension per step (∆T/Flow) and stall force ratio (rs = Fhigh/Flow). Based on previously reported stall forces for myosin V (Mehta et al., 1999; Uemura et al., 2004) and VI (Rock et al., 2001; Nishikawa et al., 2002; Altman et al., 2004), rs = 1.5 and is indicated by the gray shaded region (left). The corresponding experimentally measured Φout (⊗; Figure 2) and rs = 1.5 yield a ∆T/Flow = 0.55 ± 0.01. (C) Schematic forward step of a myosin with flexible (left) or rigid (right) lever arm on a digitized keratocyte actin network (green). The motor domains of the stepping motor (light blue shoes), non-stepping motor (gray shoes), lever arms, inter-motor linkage (pre-step—black spring; post-step—orange spring), and digitized actin network are drawn approximately to scale. The forward step results in an increase in both the inter-motor tension (∆T ks) and the intra-motor torsion (τ kF). A flexible forward stepping motor (kF/ks << 1) minimizes inter-motor tension (∆Tlow). A rigid forward stepping motor (kF/ks >> 1) minimizes intra-motor torsion (∆Thigh). (D) Simulated ∆T as a function of kF/ks. Varying lever arm rigidity (kF/ks) is sufficient to modulate ∆T. (E) Outward flux of the mixed-motor ensemble (Φout) on the keratocyte actin network as a function of the relative tension per step of the two motors (∆Thigh/∆Tlow). Gray shaded region (left) indicates the parameter space for ∆T/Flow = 0.55 ± 0.01 (see B). The corresponding experimentally measured Φout (⊕; Figures 2, 3) yields a ∆Thigh/∆Tlow = 1.20 ± 0.05. This enhanced ∆T for rigid motors evens out the competition on a branched 2D network compared to single filament tracks.