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. 2015 Feb 26;11(Suppl 1 M2):21–40. doi: 10.2174/1745017901511010021

Table 1a.

”Life Skills Training“ (LST) programs measuring both emotional and social skills, and healthy behavior outcomes.

Study Country Interventions (Focus; Sample Size) Controls (Focus; Sample Size) Students’ Population Size Students’ Age/Grade at Baseline Duration and Assessment Timeline
Buhler et al., [46] Germany “General Life Competencies and Skills” - Life Skills Training (program to to promote life skills and prevent substances use; N= 256) Treatment as usual (Not defined; N=192) N=448 5 grade 1 academic year (pre-post)
Eisen et al., [42]
- see also: Eisen et al., [68]
USA Lions–Quest Skills for Adolescents (SFA) (life skills training’ program to promote life skills and prevent drug use; N=not reported) Standard care (Not defined; N=not reported) N= 7426 6 grade 1 academic year (40 key sessions) (baseline at the and of year 6 and post-treatment at the end of year 7) (pre-post).
Fitzpatrick et al., [20] Ireland Working Things Out - Social, Personal and Health Education Programme (SPHP) - Enhanced (EP) (life skills training’ program plus mental health promotion component to promote life skills, shool ethos and prevent emotional and behavioural difficulties; N= 527 Social, Personal and Health Education Programme (SPHP)Standard (SP) (life skills training’ program; N=545 N=1072 7-11 grades 8 months (pre-post + 6 months follow-up)
Huang et al., [48] Taiwan Life Skills Training (program based on Theaory of Planned Behavior (TPB) to promote life skills and prevent drugs use; N= 143) - Conventional (conventional didactic teaching about the harmful effects of using illicit drugs and drugs refusal skills for two 45-minutes sessions; N=142)
- No intervention (N=156)
N=441 7 grade 16 weeks + 8-10 weeks homeworks (pre-post)
Johnson et al., [43] USA Think Smart – Life Skills Training (program to promote life skills and prevent use of harmfull legal products (HLP); N= 630) No intervention (N= 586) N=1216 5 grade 12 weeks (core sessions) + 3 weeks after 2-3 months from core sessions (booster sessions) (wave 1 – baseline: prior to the start of core sessions; wave 2 – post-treatment: after the end of booster sessions; wave 3: 6 months follow-up)
Resnicow et al., [49] South Africa - Life Skills Training ( life skills training’ program to promote life skills and prevent drug use; N=1717)
- KEEP LEFT (Harm minimization program to prevent substance use; N=1978)
Usual tobacco and substance use education (N=1571) N = 5266 8 grade (baseline) 2 academic years (8 units for each of grade 8 and 9) (pre-1 post at the end of grade 8-1 post test al the end of grade 9)
Seal, [50] Thailand Life Skills Training (program to promote life skills and prevent tobacco and drug use; N=85) Treatment as usual (Tobacco and drug education curriculum normally provided; N=85) N=170 7-12 grades 10 class period (≈60 min each or 10 class hours of content) (pre-post after 6 months)
Walker et al., [51] Mexico - Life Skills Training (programe to promote life skills, condome use and HIV knowledge; N = not reported )
- Life Skills Training + module on emergency contraception (programe to promote life skills, condome use, HIV knowledge and emergency contraception; n = not reported)
Biology based sex education course (N = not reported) N= 10.954 10-12 grades 1 academic year (15 week, 30 hour course (16 weeks, 32 hours for the promotion with contraception
arm) (pre-post + 16 months follow-up)
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