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. 2015 Feb 26;11(Suppl 1 M2):21–40. doi: 10.2174/1745017901511010021

Table 1b.

“Life Skills Training” (LST) programs measuring only healthy behavior outcomes.

Study Country Interventions (Focus; Sample Size) Controls (Focus; Sample Size) Students’ Population Size Students’ Age/Grade at Baseline Duration and Assessment Timeline
Botvin et al., [32] USA Life Skills Training (program to promote life skills and prevent drug use; N=302) Treatment as usual (Not defined; N=145) N=447 7 gade 3 academic years (intervention in the first academic year + booster in second and third academic years) (pre-post)
Spoth et al., [56]
- see also: Spoth et al., [69; 70]
USA - Iowa Strenghtening Families Program (ISFP) (ISFP ia a program to enhance parental skills in nurturing, limit setting, and communication, as well as youth prosocial and peer resistance skills to reduce youth substance use and other problems behaviors; N = 148)
- Preparing for the Drugs Free Years(PDFY) (Family competency training program to enhance protective parent-child interactions and to reduce childrens’ risk for early substance use initiation; N = 140)
Minimal contact (mailed reading materials; N = 156) N = 444 6 grade (baseline) 1 academic year (ISFP duration was 7 sessions (each 2 hours); PDFY duration was 5 sessions (each 2 hours)) (pre + 6.5 years past baseline (follow-up)
Spoth et al., study 1 [44] USA - Life Skills Training (LST) + Strenghtening Families Program for parents and youth 10-14 (SFP 10-14) (LST ia a program to promote skills development and to provide knowledge to avoid substance use; SFP 10-14 ia a program to enhance parental skills in nurturing, limit setting, and communication, as well as youth prosocial and peer resistance skills to reduce youth substance use and other problems behaviors; N = 189);
- Life Skills Training (LST ) only ; N = 208)
Minimal contact (mailed reading materials; N = 196) N = 593 6 grade (baseline) 2 academic years ((LST duration was 15 session in 7 grade + 5 booster sessions taugh 1 year later; SFP 10-14 duration was 7 consecutive weeks when youth were in 7 grade + 4 booster session taugh 1 year later) (pre + 4.5 years past baseline (1 follow-up) + 5.5 years past baseline (2 follow-up)
Spoth et al., study 2 [44] USA - Life Skills Training (LST) + Strenghtening Families Program for parents and youth 10-14 (SFP 10-14) (LST ia a program to promote skills development and to provide knowledge to avoid substance use; SFP 10-14 ia a program to enhance parental skills in nurturing, limit setting, and communication, as well as youth prosocial and peer resistance skills to reduce youth substance use and other problems behaviors; N = 543);
- Life Skills Training (LST ) only ; N = 622)
Minimal contact (mailed reading materials; N = 489) N = 1677 7 grade (baseline) 2 academic years (LST duration was 15 session in 7 grade + 5 booster sessions in 8 grade; SFP 10-14 duration was 7 consecutive weeks when youth were in 7 grade + 4 booster session while youth were in 8 rade) (pre + 5 repeted measures during 8-12 grade (post and follow-up)
Young et al., [58] USA - Life Skills Training + standard physical education (program to enhance decision making about the personal benefits of a physically active lifestyle, develop problem-
solving skills, and obtain support from others + school- standard physical education; N = 116)
- School physical education (Standard physical education curriculum in which students were
taught skills in individual and team sports; N =.105)
N = 221 9 grader 1 academic year (pre-post)
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