Table 2c.
Outcomes and tools: Different programs (than LST) on emotional and social skills, psychological wellbeing indicators, healthy behaviors, academic performance outcomes.
Study | Outcomes | Mediators or Covariates | Measures/Tools |
Bond et al., [52] | Psychological wellbeing indicators - Mental health status (self reported anxiety/depression); - social relations (availability of attachments and conflictual relationships); - victimisation; - school engagement Healthy behavior - substance use - peers’ substances use; |
- family structure (intact; separated/divorced; other circumstances); language other than English spoken at home; cowntry of birth (Australia vs other); parents’ smoking cigarettes and/or drinking alcohol; - gender |
- Clinical Interview Schedule-Revised (CIS-R) - Interview Schedule for Social Interaction - 4 items addressing types of recent victimisation; - School Engagement Scale; - set of questions developed by the Center for Adoleschent Health (Patton et al., 1995) to rate current smoking and drinking; - 7 days diary for students who had smoking tobacco in the past month or drunk alcohol in the past two weeks or used marijuana in the past six months. |
He et al., [53] | Healthy behavior - fruit and vegetable consumption Emotional and social skills - knowledge, attitude, liking, self-efficay, intention, willingness, habit, preferences and peer influences toward fruit and vegetables |
- Pre-Coded 24h Fruit and Vegetable Recall Questionnaire (Haraldsdootir et al., 2005); - Pro-Children Questionnaire (adapted) |
Holen et al., [47] | Emotional and social skills - coping strategies (distraction, social withdrawal, cognitive restructuring, self-criticism, blaming others, problem solving, emotional expression, wishful thinking, social support, resignation) Psychological wellbeing indicators - mental health (emotional symptoms, conduct problems, hyperactivity/inattention, perr problems, prosocial behaviors) |
- demographics (parents’ socio-economic status (SES); childs’ sex) | - Kidcope Questionnaire (Spirito et al., 1988) - children version (7-12 years); - adaptation of Kidcope questionnaire – adolescent version (administered to parents) - Strenghts and Difficulties Quationnaire (SDQ), (Goodman, 1997) (parents and teachers form) |
Jones et al., [55] | Emotional and social skills: - Social-Cognitive Processes (hostile attribution biases; aggressive interpersonal negotiation strategies; normative beliefs about aggression); - Aggressive and Prosocial Behaviors (child aggression; child social competence); Psychological wellbeing indicators - Social-Emotional Symptomatology (child ADHD symptoms; depressive symptoms; aggressive and prosocial fantasies); Academic performance: - academic skills; - math and reading achievement; - attendance rate |
- household socioeconomic status (SES) risk index (single-parent household; less than high school education; poverty at or below 100% of the federal poverty level; unemployment); - Community risk; - Child behavioral risk; - Children’ sociodemographics (gender; race/ethnicity); - teacher’ burnout; - teacher’ experience; - classroom size |
- 2 self-report questionnaires for hostile attribution biases and aggressive interpersonal negotiation strategies (adapted from the Home Interview Questionnaire (Dalhberg et al., 1998; Dodge, 1986) - Normative beliefs about Aggression Scale (Huesmann & Guerra, 1997) (self report); - ADHD Symptomatology Scale (Milch et al., 1982) (teacher report) for ADHD symptoms; - Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children Predictive Scales (Lucas et al., 2001) (self-report) for depressive symptoms; - “What I Think” (Rosenfeld et al., 1982) (self-report) for aggressive and prosocial fantasies; - Behavioral Assessment System for Children (Reynolds & Kamphaus, 1998) (teacher report) for child aggression and conduct problems - Social Competence Scale (CPPRG, 1999) (teacher report) for child social competence; - 9 items adapted from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten (ECLS-K) for academic skills; - New York State standardized assessment of math and reading achievement (standard reports); - NYC Department of Education standard reports for attendance rate (school years 2004-2005; 2005-2006) ; - parents’ report for SES risk index - parent report on the Community Risk and Resources Questionnaire (Forehand et al., 2000); - Teacher Burnout Inventory (Maslach et al., 1996) |
Khalsha et al., [57] | Psychological wellbeing indicators - personality (emotional symptoms, school problems, internalizing problems, inattention/hyperactivity, personal adjustment, anxiety, anger control, mania, ego strenght); - mood states; Emotional and social skills: - resilience; - perceived stress; - Self-confidence during Stress; - Life Purpose and Satisfaction |
- Self-Report of Personality (SRP) version of the Behavior assessment Survey for Children Version 2 (BASC-2) - Profile of Mood States short form (POMS-SF); - Resilience Scale (RS); - Perceived Stress Scale (PSS); - Inventory of Positive Psychological Attitudes-32R (IPPA) |
Melnik et al.,
[59] |
healthy behaviors - phisical activity - substance use (alcohol, marijuana); academic performance Psychological and physical wellbeing indicators - depressive and anxiety symptoms; - health grade - overweight - BMI Emotional and social skills - social skills (cooperation, assertion, academic competence); |
- acculturation | - pedometer steps; - Healthy Lifestyles Behavior Scale (HLBS) (self report); - Heights and Weights; - Beck Youth Inventory II (self report); - Social Skills Rating System (SSRS) (teacher report) - questions about substances use from Youth Risk behavior Survey (self report); - students’ health course grade (school records); - acculturation, Habits, and Interests Multicultural Scale for Adolescents (AHIMSA) (self report) |
Noogle et al., [60] | Psychosocial Wellbeing indicators - mood (Tension-Anxiety, Depression-Dejection, Anger-Hostility, Vigor-Activity, Fatigue- Inertia, Confusion-Bewilderment); - affect (positive and negative); Emotional and social skills - perceived stress; - positive psychological attitudes (self-confidence during stress; life purpose and satisfaction) - Resilience; - Anger expression - Mindfulness |
- Profile of mood States-Short Form (POMS-SF); - Positive and Negative Affect Schedule for children (PANAS-C); - Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) - Inventory of Positive Psychological Attitudes-32R (IPPA) - 25 item Resilience Scele (RS); - State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory-2 (STAXI-2); - Child Acceptance and Mindfulness Measure (CAMM) |
Shek et al. [54] - see also: Shek et al., [71; 72; 73; 74; 75; 76] |
Emotional and social skills: - bonding (BO); - resilience (RE); - social competence (SC); - emotional competence (EC); - cognitive competence (CC); - behavioral competence (BC); - moral competence (MC); - self-determination (SD); - self efficacy (SE); - beliefe in the future (BF); - clear and positive identity (CPI); - spirituality (S); - prosocial norms (PN); - recognition for positive behavior (RPB) - positive youth development (CPYDS-12) (bonding + resilience + social competence + emotional competence + cognitive competence + moral competence + self-efficacy + beliefs in the future + clear and positive identity + spititual + prosocial involvement + recognition for positive behavior); - Psychosocial competence and strenghts (CPYDS-10) (resilience + social competence + emotional competence + cognitive competence + behavioral competence + moral competence + self determination + self efficacy + beliefs about the future + clear and positive identity); - Behavioral competence and Moral competence (CYPDS-2); - Cognitive-Behavioral Competence (CBC); - Prosocial Attitude (PA); - Positive Identity (PID); - General Positive Youth Development Qualities (GPYDQ). |
- Chinese Positive Youth Development Scale (CPYDS) | |
Werch et al., [45] | Healthy behaviors: - alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana consume; - eating habits - exercise, Emotional and social skills - stress management - health quality of life - self-image - behavior coupling beliefs - perceived peer prevalence and frequency of future comparisons Academic performance - personal development behaviors (college and career preparation) |
- Personal Development and Health Survey 7 |