Table 3.
Quality features of the studies included.
Study | Standardized Measures | Follow-up ≥ 6 Months | Waves of Data ≥ 2 Academic Year | Effectiveness (p < 0.05) | Safe Practices
3 at least, among: Sequency, Active, Focused, Explicit |
Whole School Approach levels |
Bond et al., [52] | YES (anxiety/depressive symptoms) YES (social interactions) NO (victimization) YES (school engagement) YES (cigarette and alchool use) |
NO | YES |
YES (substance use) NO (anxiety/depressive symptoms; social and school relationships) |
YES (Students) NO (Parents) YES (Teachers) YES (School environment) NO (Community) |
Botvin et al., [32] | YES (marijuana, cocaine, inhalants, nonmedical pill use, heroin and other narcotics, hallucinogens use) | NO | NO | YES (marijuana; inhalants; heroin and othe narcotics, hallucinogens use) NO (cocaine; non medical pill use) |
YES (Students) NO (Parents) YES (Teachers) YES (School environment) NO (Community) |
Buhler et al., [46] | NO (tobacco and alcohol use) NO (affinity toward tobacco and alcohol) NO (knowledge about life skills and life skills behaviors; refusal assertiveness) |
NO | NO | YES (nicotine abuse) NO (alcohol abuse) YES (tobaco and alcohol affinity) YES (knowledge skilled behaviors; life skills) NO (Knowledge unskilled behaviors; life skills deficit) YES (Knowledge skilled behaviors on all outcomes) NO (life skills on tobacco and alcohol affinity) YES (life skills on nicotine abuse in smokers at baseline) |
YES | YES (Students) NO (Parents) YES (Teachers) YES (school environment) NO (Community) |
Eisen et al., [42] - see also: Eisen et al., [68] |
YES (tobacco, alcohol, illegal/illicit drugs use) YES (intention to use substance) YES ( social influences) YES (interpersonal perceptions) YES (comunication skills) YES (self efficacy) YES (sensation-seeking) |
NO | NO | YES (marijuana’ lifetime and 30-day use) NO (lifetime and 30-day use of cigarettes, other illicit substances, alcohol; last 30-day binge drinking) YES (refusal self efficacy for alcohol and marijuana) NO (intention, perceived harm perceived peer use/close friend for all substance; refusal self efficacy for cigarettes and cocaine) |
YES (Students) NO (Parents) YES (Teachers) YES (school environment) NO (Community) |
Fitzpatrick et al., [20] | YES (prosocial behavior; emotional and behavioral difficulties; active coping/less use of avoidance) NO (help seeking; view of school social environment) |
YES | NO | YES (in the enhanced (EP) intervention whole group for peer problems; at risk EP boys for emotional and behavioral difficulties, hyperactivity and total difficulties) NO (EP for coping strategies) YES (in the standard intervention (SP) group for help seeking) |
Both EP and SP interventions: YES |
Both EP and SP interventions: YES (Students) NO (Parents) YES (Teachers) YES (school environment) YES (Community) |
He et al., [53] | YES (fruit and vegetable consumption) YES (knowledge, attitude, liking, self-efficay, intention, willingness, habit, preferences and peer influences toward fruit and vegetables) |
NO | NO | Yes YES (in FFVS+ENE intervention for fruit and vegetables consumption at school) NO (in FFVS+ENE intervention for fruit and vegetables consumption at home) YES (in FFVS+ENE intervention for liking toward fruit and vegetables) YES (adverse outcome in FFVS intervention: unfavorable change in self efficacy, intention and peer influence in vegetable consumption |
FFVS+ENE intervention: YES |
FFVS+ENE intervention: YES (Students) NO (Parents) YES (Teachers) YES (school environment) YES (Community) |
Holen et al., [47] | YES (coping strategies) YES (mental health: emotional symptoms; conduct problems; hyperactivity/inattention; peer problems, prosocial behaviors) |
NO | NO | YES (children and parents for coping strategies: children for oppositional strategies; parents for active and support seeking strategies) NO (parents and teachers for emotional symptoms; conduct problems; hyperactivity/inattention; peer problems, prosocial behaviors) YES (teachers for impact of mental health problems) |
YES | YES (Students) NO (Parents) YES (Teachers) YES (school environment) NO (Community) |
Huang et al., [48] | NO (intention, attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control about drug use) NO (life skills) |
NO | NO | YES (in LST group for life skills and attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, intention about drug use) | YES | YES (Students) NO (Parents) YES (Teachers) YES (school environment) NO (Community) |
Johnson et al., [43] | NO (Harmfull Legal Products (HLP) use in the past 30 days: inhalants, prescription medicines, over-the-counter medications, common household products) NO (substance use in the past 30 days: tobacco, alcohol, marijuana or hashish) NO (Risk factors: Peer Use of HLPs; Peer Normative Beliefs about HLPs); NO (Protective factors: Knowledge of Drugs and Consequences of Use; Assertiveness Skills; Cultural Identity); |
YES | NO | YES (harmful legal products, inhalants the most) NO (tobacco, alcohol, marijuana) NO (risk and protective factors on substance use) |
YES (Students) NO (Parents) YES (Teachers) YES (school environment) NO (Community) |
Jones et al., [55] | YES (Social-Cognitive Processes: hostile attribution biases; aggressive interpersonal negotiation strategies; normative beliefs about aggression) YES (Social-Emotional Symptomatology: child ADHD symptoms; depressive symptoms; aggressive and prosocial fantasies) YES (Aggressive and Prosocial Behaviors: child aggression; child social competence) YES (Academic Performance: academic skills; math and reading achievement; attendance rate) |
NO | YES | YES (social-cognitive processes and social-emotional symptomatology) YES (aggressive and socially competent behavior) No (main effect for academic functioning) YES (chidren at behavioral risk at baseline for academic functioning: maths and reading achievement) NO (chidren at behavioral risk at baseline for social and emotional skills) |
YES (Students) NO (Parents) YES (Teachers) YES (school environment) NO (Community) |
Khalsha et al., [57] | YES (emotional symptoms, school problems, internalizing problems, inattention/hyperactivity, personal adjustment, anxiety, anger control, mania, ego strenght); YES (mood states); YES (resilience); YES (perceived stress); YES (Self-confidence during Stress); YES (Life Purpose and Satisfaction) |
NO | NO | YES (anger control, fatigue, resilience) NO (emotional symptoms, school problems, internalizing problems, inattention/hyperactivity, personal adjustment, anxiety, mania, ego strenght, mood states, self-confidence during stress, life purpose and satisfation) |
YES (Students) NO (Parents) NO (Teachers) NO (school environment) NO (Community) |
Melnyk et al., [59] | YES (healthy lifestyles behaviors: physical activity) YES (health grade) YES (overweight) YES (BMI) YES (depressive and anxiety symptoms); YES (social skills:cooperation, assertion, academic competence); YES substance use (alcohol, marijuana); YES academic performance |
YES | NO | YES (physical activity; BMI; social skills: coperation, assertetion, academic performance; health grade; substance use (alcohol); overweight) NO (substance use: marijuana; anxiety and depressive symptoms) |
YES (Students) NO (Parents) YES (Teachers) NO (school environment) NO (Community) |
Noogle et al., [60] | Psychosocial Wellbeing: YES (mood: total mood disturbance, Tension-Anxiety, Depression- Dejection, Anger-Hostility, Vigor-Activity, Fatigue- Inertia, Confusion-Bewilderment); YES (affect: positive and negative); YES (perceived stress); YES (positive psychological attitudes: self-confidence during stress; life purpose and satisfaction) Self-Regulatory Skills: YES (Resilience) YES (Anger expression) YES (Mindfulness) |
NO | NO | YES (Psychological wellbeing: total mood disturbance and tension/anxiety; negative affect) NO (Psychological wellbeing: Depression- Dejection, Anger-Hostility, Vigor-Activity, Fatigue- Inertia, Confusion-Bewilderment; positive affect; positive psychological attitudes; perceived stress) NO (self regulatory skills) |
YES (Students) NO (Parents) YES (Teachers) NO (school environment) NO (Community) |
Resnicow et al., [49] | NO (past month use of cigarettes) NO (lifetimie use of cigarettes) NO (frequent cigarettes use: >20 days per month) NO (past month marijuana use) NO (past month beinge drinking) NO (past month illicit drug use: cocaine/crack, methaqualone, methamphetamine) NO (perceived harm of ever and regular tobacco, marijuana, and alcohol use) NO (perceived refusal skills for five substances) NO (smoking attitudes) |
NO | NO | NO (past month use, lifetime use, frequent use of cicarettes, past month use of marijuana, past month binge drinking, past month use of illicit drug use) YES (KEEP LEFT for males and females/males Black Africans) YES (LST for females and females/males“colored”) NO (for females/males indian and white) YES (KEEP LEFT for males about past month marijuana use) YES (KEEP LEFT and LST for females about past month marijuana use) YES (KEEP LEFT and LST for males about past month bing drinking: adverse outcome) YES (KEEP LEFT for females about past month illicit drugs) NO (perceived harm, self-efficacy, drug attitudes) YES (KEEP LEFT for males about perceiving harm of regular use) YES (KEEP LEFT for black about perceiving harm of regular use) YES (LST for black and colored about perceiving harm of regular use) |
Both LST and KEEP LEFT interventions: YES |
YES (Students) NO (Parents) YES (Teachers) YES (school environment) NO (Community) |
Seal, [50] | NO (knowledge about the health consequences of tobacco and drug) NO (attitudes toward tobacco and drug use prevention) NO (life skills: refusal, decision-making, problem solving) NO (tobacco and drug use) |
YES | NO | YES (knowledge about the consequence of tobacco and drug; attitudes toward tobacco and drug use prevention; life skills) NO (tobacco and drug use) |
YES (Students) NO (Parents) NO (Teachers) NO (school environment) NO (Community) |
Shek et al. [54] - see also: Shek et al., [71; 72; 73; 74; 75; 76] |
YES (Positive Youth Development: bonding; resilience; social competence; emotional competence; cognitive competence; behavioral competence; moral competence; self-determination; self efficacy; beliefe in the future; clear and positive identity; spirituality; prosocial norms; recognition for positive behavior) | YES | YES | YES (positive self identity, prosocial behavior, recognition of positive behavior) YES (more stable rate of growth in moral competence and behavioral competence) YES (students who regarded the program to be helpful in problems behaviors) |
YES (Students) NO (Parents) YES (Teachers) NO (school environment) NO (Community) |
Spoth et al.,
study 1 [44] |
NO (past year methamphetamine use) | YES | YES | YES (ISFP for past year methanphetamine use) NO (PDFY for past year methanphetamine use) |
Both PDFY and ISFP: YES |
Both PDFY and ISFP: YES (Students) YES (Parents) NO (Teachers) YES (school environment) YES (Community) |
Spoth et al.,
study 2 [44] |
NO (past year and lifetime methamphetamine use) | YES | YES | YES (LST+SFP 10-14 for lifetime use) YES (LST only for lifetime use) |
Both LST and SFP 10-14: YES |
For SFP 10-14 see ISFP in previews row; LST: YES (Students) NO (Parents) YES (Teachers) YES (school environment) NO (Community) |
Spoth et al., [56] - see also: Spoth et al., [69; 70] |
NO (alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana initiation) NO (monthly frequency of Alcohol, Drunkenness Cigarette Marijuana Use ) NO (more problematic or serious substance use: poly-substance use) |
YES | YES | YES (one or both interventions on all substance initiation and for polysubstance use in higher risk subsamples) YES (accumulation one or both interventions benefits on outcomes) |
Both LST and SFP 10-14: YES |
For SFP 10-14 see ISFP in previews row; LST: YES (Students) NO (Parents) YES (Teachers) YES (school environment) NO (Community) |
Walker et al., [51] | NO (condom use, reported sexual Activity, knowledge and attitudes about HIV and emergency contraception, attitudes and confidence about condom use) |
YES | NO | NO (condom use) YES (both intervention on knowledge of HIV) YES (LST + emergency contraception on knowledge of emergency contraception) YES (both intervention on sexual behaviors) |
Both LST and LST + emergency contraception YES |
Both LST and LST + emergency contraception YES (Students) NO (Parents) YES (Teachers) YES (school environment) NO (Community) |
Werch et al., [45] | YES (risk behaviors: alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana consume); YES (health promotion behaviors: eating habits, exercise, stress management) YES (personal development behaviors: college and career preparation) YES (health quality of life) YES (self-image) YES (behavior coupling beliefs; perceived peer prevalence and frequency of future comparisons) |
NO | NO | YES (Goal Survey + Career Consultation on alcohol use, marijuana use, exercise, college preparation, career preparation, nutrition habits, behavior coupling) | All interventions YES |
All interventions YES (Students) NO (Parents) NO (Teachers) YES (school environment) NO (Community) |
Young et al., [58] | YES Self-reported estimated daily energy expenditure (physical activity), NO self-reported sedentary activities (television viewing and computer or Internet use), YES cardiorespiratory fitness YES cardiovascular disease risk factors (BMI, waist-hip ratio, waist circumference, blod pressure, total cholesterol level, lipopretein level) |
NO | NO | YES (spending more physical education class time in moderate to vigouros activity) NO (daily energy expenditure, moderate, hard or very hard intensity expenditure,) YES (self-reported sedentary activities) YES (both interventions on cardiorespiratory fitness) |
YES (Students) NO (Parents) YES (Teachers) NO (school environment) NO (Community) |