Table 1.
Efficacy of school-based interventions on clinical samples targeting pupils with active participation of teachers and/or parents.
Study | Country | Diagnosis | Type of program/FU |
Sample size and group |
Measures/outcome | Result | Social outcome |
Ostberg et al. 2012 |
Sweden | Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) |
Parent and teacher manual-based group training Program 3-month T3 |
Children Treatment group TG (n=46) Children control group CG (n=46) 61 par./68 teachers Age m=10.95 |
ADHD Rating Scale ODD symptoms were measured by the eight DSM-IV criteria The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) |
(Assessed by parents and Teachers)
ADHD Rating Scale TG ↓ p <0.01 at T3 ODD symptoms TG ↓ p <0.05 at T3 SDQ TG ↓ p <0.05. at T3 Stronger efficacy assessed by parents |
SDQ : Peer relationship problems (5 items) Prosocial behaviour (5 items) |
Sayal et al. 2010 |
United KingdomUni | Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) |
Early school-based screening and educational intervention 5-year follow-up |
Children group book only TG (n=81) Children group identification only CI (n=114) Children group book and identification TGI (n=99) Children group no intervention CG (n=84) Age m=7.5 |
The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) |
(Assessed by parents and Teachers)
SDQ « Stronger efficacy assessed by Teachers |
SDQ: Peer relationship problems (5 items) Prosocial behaviour (5 items) |
Murray et al. 2011 |
United States | Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) | Teacher Management Practices for children with ADHD No follow-up |
Teachers (n=36) Children intervention group TG (n=46) Attention training control group CG (n=46) Age m=6.5 |
Teacher Management Questionnaire (TMQ) |
(Assessed by Teacher) TMQ subscales: Environmental modification TG ↑ p < 0.001 Behavior modification TG ↑ p < 0.05 Assignment modi-fication TG ↑ p <0 .001 Structure and organization « Instructional modifications « |
Drugli et al. 2006 |
Norway |
Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) |
Parent training combined with child therapy on positive discipline strategies, coping and social skills, conflict resolution, playing and cooperation with peers. 1-year follow-up |
Children parent training group PT (n=47) Children parent training and therapy group PT+CT (n=52) Waiting-list group WLC (n=28 families) Age m=6 |
Teacher Report Form (TRF) Preschool Behavior Questionnaire (PBQ) Social Competence and Behavior Evaluation (SCBE) The Wally Child Social Problem-Solving Detective Game (WALLY) Student–Teacher Relationship Scale (STRS) |
(Assessed by parents and Teachers) TRF Aggression problems at post-treatment PT+CT vs PT ↓ p<0.05 PT+CT vs t WLC ↓ p<0.01 Aggression problems across post-treatment and follow-up PT+CT ↑ p<0.01 PBQ clinical level at post-treatment PT+CT ↓ p<0.05 clinical level at follow-up PT+CT ↑ p<0.05 WALLY social strategies at post-treatment PT+CT ↑ p<0.001 social strategies at follow-up PT ↑ p<0.05 SCBE « STRS « |
Drugli et al. 2007 |
Norway |
Conduct disorders (CD) Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) |
Parent training combined with child therapy on positive discipline strategies, coping and social skills, conflict resolution, playing and cooperation with peers. 1-year follow-up |
Children in parent training and therapy group PT+CT (n=52) Children in parent training group PT (control) (n= 47) Waiting-list group WLC (n=28) Age m=6 |
The Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL) The Wally Child Social Problem-Solving Detective Game (WALLY) The Child Loneliness and Social Dissatisfaction Questionnaire (LSC) Social Competence and Behaviour Evaluation (SCBE) |
(Assessed by parents and Teachers) CBCL (father reports) from post-treatment and maintained across follow-up PT + CT ↑ p < 0.01 PT ↑ p < 0.05 CBCL (mother ratings) from post-treatment and maintained across follow-up PT + CT ↑ p < 0.05 WALLY Number of pro-social strategies used and maintained across follow-up PT+CT ↑p < 0.01 SCBE « LSC « |
CBCL Social competence WALLY LSC SCBE |
Hand, et al. 2013 |
Ireland |
ID Intellectual Disability |
Evidence-based parenting programs based on social learning models No follow-up |
Treatment group participants TG (n = 16) Control group participants CG (n = 13) 42 parents Age m=9 |
The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) The Parenting Stress Index (PSI) The Kansas Parent Satisfaction Scale (KPS) Parent identified personal and child-related goals. |
(Assessed by parents) SDQ: (Time × Group) Total difficulties subscales TG ↓ p<0.007 Conduct problems subscales TG ↓ p < 0.027 Hyperactivity « Emotional problems « Peer problems « Pro-social behaviour « Time factor Total difficulties TG ↓ p =0.003 Conduct problems TG ↓ p = 0.009 PSI stress Index (Time × Group) total score TG ↓ p <0. 01 Total TG ↓ p< 0.01). (Time factor) PSI Total score TG ↓ p < 0.001 Parent Distress TG ↓ p= 0.002 Parent–child relationship difficulties TG ↓p= 0.004 Difficult child measure « KPS Satisfaction Scale « Parent defined child-related goals (Time × Group) child-related goals TG↑ p < 0.001. (Time effect) TG v sCG ↑ p < 0.001 |
SDQ : Peer relationship problems (5 items) Prosocial behaviour (5 items) |
Jorm, et al. 2010 |
Australia |
Mental disorders (Depression,Anxiety
Psychosis, Behavioural disorders |
Teachers educational programs on common mental disorders in Adolescents and student welfare 6 months follow-up |
Teachers Intervention group TIG (n=221) Teachers Control group TCG (n=106) Students in intervention group SIG (n= 982) Students Control group SCG (n= 651) Age m=9 |
Teacher outcomes: mental health knowledge Personal stigma items: % strongly disagree Perceived stigma items: % ≥ agree Help given towards students: % ≥ occasionally Confidence in helping students and staff with mental health problems % ≥ quite a bit School policies on student mental health Interacting with colleagues: % ≥ occasionally Seeking Additional Mental health information: % ≥ occasionally Teacher mental health Student outcome: Mental health knowledge Beliefs and intentions about where to seek help for depression Personal stigma: % strongly disagree Perceived stigma: % ≥ agree Help received from teacher Student Mental Health |
(Assessed by Clinicians)
(Teacher) knowledge TIG ↑ p <0.001 and maintained at follow-up P < 0.001. Perceived stigma (OR) TIG ↑ p = 0.031 and maintained at follow -up See other people as reluctant to disclose TIG ↑ p= 0.041 and maintained at follow -up Intentions towards helping students (OR) Teachers more likely to discuss their concerns with another teacher TIG ↑ p = 0.013 and maintained at follow -up Discuss their concerns with a counsellor (OR) TIG ↑ p = 0.023 and maintained at follow -up Have a conversation with the student (OR) TIG ↑ p = 0.162 and maintained at follow -up School policy of mental health (OR) TIG ↑ p=0.019 and maintained at follow -up Policy had been implemented in the previous month (OR) TIG ↑ p= 0.070 and maintained at follow-up (Student) Mental health knowledge Report that they received information about mental health problems SIG ↑ P < 0.001 Beliefs and intentions about where to seek help for depression (Student outcome) « Personal stigma: % strongly disagree (Student outcome) « Perceived stigma: % ≥ agree Stigma perceived in others (OR) SIG ↑ p= 0.006. Help received from teacher « Student Mental Health « |
Students Personal Stigma Items: % Strongly Disagree Perceived Stigma Items: % ≥ Agree Teachers Personal Stigma: % Strongly Disagree Perceived Stigma: % ≥ Agree |
et al. 2005 |
Australia | Anxiety | Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Treatment groups (8-10 children) with parents collaboration 4-Month Follow-up |
Treatment group TG (n= 92) Active intervention waitlist control CG (num not reported) Age m=9.5 |
Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale (SCAS) Children’s Automatic Thoughts Scale (CATS) Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale-Parent Version (SCAS-P) (Sec.) Child Behavior Checklist-(CBCL) Teacher Rep. |
(Assessed by Clinicians) SCAS TG ↓ p < 0.005 and maintained at follow-up CATS TG ↓ p = .001 and maintained at follow-up SCAS-P↔ CBCL ↔ |
SCAS: sub-scale s Social phobia CATS: (9 items) CBCL: Social problems |
Masia et al. 2005 |
United States | Anxiety | Skills training intervention on adolescents and participation of parents and teachers on psychoeducation groups 9-month follow-up |
Intervention group (SASS) TG ( n=21) Control group WL (n=17) Age m=14.8 |
Self-Report Inventories (ADIS-PC) Severity Social Phobic Disorders Severity and Change Form (SPDSCF) Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale for Children and Adolescents (LSAS-CA) Children’s Global Assessment Scale(CGAS) Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory for Children (SPAI-C) Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents (SAS-A) Self-Report Inventories Loneliness Scale Parent Report: Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents (SAS-AP) |
(Assessed by Clinicians)
ADIS-PC Severity (Group × Time) TG ↓ p < .0001 SPDSCF (Group × Time) TG ↓ p < .0001 LSAS-CA (Group × Time) Total score, TG ↓ p = .03, Total Avoidance subscale TG ↓ p = .03, Social Avoidance subscale TG ↓ p = .04. Performance Anxiety TG ↓ , p = .053 Total Anxiety TG ↓ p = .056. CGAS (Group × Time interaction) TG ↑ p < .0001 SPAI-C Social phobia symptoms TG ↓ p = .052. SAS-A(significance was found in one subscale out of three) (Group × Time effect) social anxiety in new situations TG ↓ p = .03. SAS-AP(parent reports) Social anxiety in new situations TG ↓ p = .02. FNE ↔ SAD-General subscales. ↔ (CDI) ↔ (interpersonal Problems) |
SPDSCF LSAS-CA SPAI-C SAS-A (AP) CDI: (interpersonal Problems) Self-Report Inventories Loneliness Scale ADIS-PC: social phobia items C-GAS: Children's global assessment scale (the area of interaction with with friends) |
Bernstein, et al. 2005 |
United States | Anxiety | Group cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for children Group
6-month follow-up. |
Treatment group CBT for children TG (n = 17), Treatment group CBT for children plus parent training TPP (n = 20), No-treatment control group (n = 24). Age m=9.0 |
Child and Parent Interview Schedules (ADIS) Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children (MASC-C) Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED) Clinical Global Impressions (CGI) Services Questionnaire (developed for use in this study) |
(Assessed byParentand Clinicians) ADIS
Composite CSR TG+TPP ↑ p= .03 TPP ↑ p= .06 Child-Interview TG+TPP ↑ p = .045 CGI TG+TPP ↑ p = .06 TPP ↑ p= .02). MASC (group × time) TG+TPP ↑ p= .006 SCARED(group × time) TG+TPP↓ p= .001 MASCTotal TPP ↑p= .02. SCARED indic. TPP ↑ p= .000. |
ADIS: social phobia items MASC: The Social Anxiety scale Humiliation/Rejection subscale |