Figure 8.
Cx43 immunolabeling in the adult rat cochlea. A) An overview of Cx43 labeling in the adult rat cochlea. Cx43 immunolabeling is still absent from the synaptic terminals beneath inner (ihcs) and outer (ohcs) hair cells. B,C,D) Details of Cx43 expression in the adult cochlea; The interdental cells (idc) of the spiral limbus (sb), the outer sulcus cell (os), a few fibrocytes of the spiral ligament (sl), and some spiral ganglion neurons (sgn) are positive for Cx43. E,F) Negative control for the adult cochlea with no primary antibodies. sl, spiral ligament; sv, stria vascularis; sb, spiral limbus; os, outer sulcus cells; sgn, spiral ganglion neuron; o/C, organ of Corti.