Fig. 4.
Conversion of formate into the central metabolites DHAP and 2/3-PG by cell lysates. Protein-normalized concentrations of 13C-DHAP (DHAP M+3), and 13C-2/3-PG (2/3-PG M+3) in clarified cell lysates with the pathway genes for ecACS, lmACDH, FLS, and yDHAK (pTrcCO2-3, pSB3K3 yDHAK), or in the absence of the key formate assimilation enzymes with only yDHAK (pTrcHis2, pSB3K3 yDHAK), after incubation with 13C-formate for 24 h. Commercial FDH was added to balance the net NADH oxidation rate of the test extracts in a 1:1 ratio as described in Materials and Methods. Error bars represent the SE of measurements for three biological replicates.