Figure 1.
Phylogenetic and antigenic tree displaying relatedness of pestiviruses Aydin/04 and Burdur/05 to other Pestivirus species. A) For phylogenetic analysis, deduced polyprotein sequences from GenBank were used (CSFV: J04358, GU233734, JX218094, AY568569, GQ902941, KJ619377, AY382481, AF326963, X87939, AF099102, AY578687, AY646427; BDV: AF037405, U70263, KC963426, AF144618, GQ902940, KF918753, GU270877; BVDV-1: EF101530, AF220247, M96751, AF091605; BVDV-2: AB567658, GQ888686, AF502399, U18059; HoBi-like: AB871953, NC012812; giraffe-like: NC003678, KJ660072; Pronghorn and Bungowannah: NC024018, NC023176). Bootstrap values were calculated for 1,000 iterations. Only significant bootstrap values (≥700) of major nodes are given in the tree. Trees were displayed by using Dendroscope (10). Scale bar indicates base substitutions per site. B) Antigenic tree based on coefficients of antigenic similarity (R values) displaying antigenic relatedness of pestiviruses Aydin/04 and Burdur/05 to representative CSFV and BDV strains. R values <25 indicate significant antigenic differences as representing >4-fold differences in titers. R values >25 are considered not significant and are therefore not drawn to scale. Boldface indicates pestiviruses circulating among sheep and goat herds in Turkey. BDV, border disease virus; BVDV, bovine viral diarrhea virus; CSFV, classical swine fever virus; G, genotype.