Table 6.
Novel GWAS pathways identified for each WTCCC disease with PubMed citations returned for the conjunction of pathway and disease search terms. Highlighted cells indicate pathways where we hypothesize an association of the pathway to the disease. Other cells are included for completeness, although no hypothesis was indicated. Green highlights indicate pathways where there is evidence in the literature for an association with the WTCCC disease, pink indicates pathways where there does not seem to be evidence of a known association; orange shading indicates pathways where there is indeterminate evidence for an association. Pathway names are summarizations generated by hand, by the authors, where pathway names in grouped rows are synonyms used for PubMed searches. Search terms in quotes were quoted in their submission to PubMed and were required to appear exactly in that order in the abstracts or titles of the research articles in question. Search terms grouped horizontally represent synonymous search terms that were used to get a broader picture of the relationship of the pathway to the six diseases.