Fig. 7.
Effect of ethylene on tissue Fe homeostasis in excess Fe-treated seedlings. (A) Effect of ethylene on Fe contents in shoots and roots of Arabidopsis WT and eto1-1 seedlings in root medium supplemented with 350 μM Fe alone or in combination with 1 μM AVG for 5 d. Values are the means±SE of three replicates. Different letters represent statistically different means at P<0.05 (one-way ANOVA analysis with Duncan post-hoc test). DW, dry weight. (B) Effect of ethylene on free Fe2+ concentrations in roots and stems of Arabidopsis WT and eto1-1 seedlings in root medium supplemented with 350 μM Fe alone or in combination with 1 μM AVG for 4 d. Localization of ferrous Fe was analysed by 2,2′-bipyridine staining as described by Engel et al. (2012). Bars, 50 μm. (C) Expression of FER1, FER2, FER3, and FER4 in roots of WT and eto1-1 seedlings. Expression of FER1, FER2, FER3, and FER4 were determined by quantitative real-time PCR after exposure of 5-d-old WT and eto1-1 seedlings to 350 μM Fe for 6h. The relative mRNA level was normalized to CBP20 expression. Values are means±SE of three replicates.