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. 2015 Mar 30;10(3):e0121912. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0121912

Table 2. Novel mutations found in B2 domain of PML gene in 4 relapsed APL patients detected by the Ion torrent PGM sequencing.

Patient ID—Relapse Position in chromosome 15 (NC_000015.9) Type Zygosity Genotype Variation Frequency (%) Coverage % at 100x Function Transcript Variant Protein Change IC50 (μM) ICATO* (ng/107 cells) Molecular remission achieved post relapse treatment with ATO
SO_2210_PRS19 74315308 SNP Het C/T 5.05 99.6% Nonsense 742C>T p.Gln248* 1.51 12.39 NA +
SO_2210_PRS45 74315203 SNP Het T/A 6.25 99.6% Missense 637T>A p.Cys213Ser 2.17 NA NA ++
SO_2210_PRS8 74315207 SNP Het C/T 93.39 99.6% Missense 641C>T p.Ser214Leu NA NA Yes
SO_2210_PRS4 74315222 DEL Het AC/A 94.73 99.2% Frameshift Deletion - p.Asp219Glu 6.87 6.93 Yes
74315224 INS Het A/AT 94.15 99.2% Frameshift Insertion - p.Ser220Met

* ICATO—Intracellular ATO

+ Discharged against medical advice

++ Died during induction (sepsis)