Table 2. Definition of the composite indicators of processes of care for each of the diseases.
Domain of care | Criteria for considering the composite indicator | Pneumonia | Dehydration | Malaria | Severe malnutrition | Meningitis |
Documentation | All signs and symptoms required to make and appropriately classify disease severity | Cough, cyanosis, lower chest wall in-drawing respiratory rate, AVPU, ability to drink | Diarrhea, vomiting, capillary refill, sunken eyes and skin turgor, skin warm up to and AVPU | Fever, acidotic breathing, pallor, AVPU, unable to drink | Edema, visual assessment of degree of severe wasting | Convulsions, fever; level of consciousness |
Assessment | Patient adequately assessed if all the following signs are assessed | Cough, cyanosis, lower chest wall in-drawing and respiratory rate | Sunken eyes and skin turgor (and duration of skin fold to return) | Level of consciousness, fever, acidotic breathing, pallor | Edema, visual assessment of degree of severe wasting | Convulsions, fever; level of consciousness (AVPU) |
Treatment | Consistent with CPGs if the following key treatment was prescribed at the correct dose and frequency (and duration for rehydration therapy) | Crystalline penicillin 50,000units/kg/dose X 4 per day (+/−20%) and /or Gentamicin 7.5 mg/kg/day X 1 per day (+/−20%); correct treatment for disease severity | Severe dehydration cases prescribed fluids, Ringers lactate at 80–120 mls per kg or 56–120 mls per kg if bolus for shock management given; ORS prescribed for cases with some dehydration | Quinine loading dose prescribed; Quinine prescribed at 10mg/kg/dose (+/- 20%) | Feeds prescribed and of correct type; feed volume of 100–130 mls/kg/day (+/-20%) of F75 |
AVPU- consciousness level documented as Alert, Verbal response, Pain response, Unresponsive; ORS-Oral rehydration solution