Figure 7.
Comparison of changes in choroidal retinoic acid synthesis and scleral proteoglycan synthesis during recovery from induced myopia. A) Time course of increase in choroidal alltrans-retinoic acid (atRA) synthesis in eyes recovering from form deprivation myopia. B) Time course of decreased scleral proteoglycan synthesis in eyes recovering from form deprivation myopia. Fig. 7a from: Mertz JR, Wallman J. Choroidal retinoic acid synthesis: a possible mediator between refractive error and compensatory eye growth. Exp Eye Res, 70(4): p. 519–527 2000. Reproduced with permission © Elsevier and Fig. 7b adapted from: Summers JA, Hollaway LR. Regulation of the biphasic decline in scleral proteoglycan synthesis during the recovery from induced myopia. Exp. Eye Res. 92(5):394–400 2011. Reproduced with permission © Elsevier.