Figure 8.
Choroidal retinoic acid as a potential scleral growth regulator. Retinoic acid was measured in organ cultures of choroids isolated from eyes recovering from induced myopia (3 hr – 15 day of unrestricted vision) using LC/MS/MS. Concentrations of retinoic acid were increased in cultures of recovering choroids following 1 – 15 days of recovery. Based on the volume of the organ cultures, the concentration of retinoic acid was determined to be ~1.45 × 10−8 M and ~5.0 × 10−9 M in recovering and control cultures, respectively (A). Comparison of a dose response curve for retinoic acid on scleral proteoglycan synthesis indicated the retinoic acid concentrations synthesized by choroids in vitro are within the range to significantly inhibit scleral proteoglycan synthesis (IC50 = 8 × 10−9 M). From: Summers JA, et al. Identification of RALDH2 as a Visually Regulated Retinoic Acid Synthesizing Enzyme in the Chick Choroid. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 53: 1649–1662 2012 Reproduced with permission © Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.