Figure 4.
(a) A TEM image of two lysing B. thuringiensis cells. The cell walls (CW) are already fragmented. One cell contains the typical protein crystal (PC) of B. thuringiensis cells, whereas the other cell is occupied by an endospore (dashed frame) that is surrounded by the exosporium (EX). Holes (H) in the TEM slice are visible. The protein crystal has dimensions of about 880 and 440 nm along the major and minor axes, respectively. The extent of the endospore including the coat is about 1190 nm along the major axis and 760 nm along the minor axis. (b) A close-up of the endospore as indicated by a dashed frame in (a), revealing details of the exosporium (EX), coat (C), cortex (CX) and core (CR). This section of the core contains mainly ribosomes (R). (c) A TEM image of an endospore of B. subtilis. Structural details including the cortex (CX) and the core (CR) with ribosomes (R) are labelled. The major and minor axes of the core including cortex extend to about 630 and 460 nm, respectively. Taking also the coat into account yields about 1030 nm along the major axis and approximately 700 nm along the minor axis. Scale bars denote 0.2 and 0.1 µm in (a) and in (b), (c), respectively.