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. 2015 Mar 31;4:e05338. doi: 10.7554/eLife.05338

Figure 2. Protein expression analysis after RMCE.

(A) Examples of GFP expression patterns in different tissues: (a) larval brain (Rab3 interacting molecule: Rim), (b) larval muscles (Myosin Heavy Chain: MHC), (c) larval eye imaginal disc (Abl tyrosine kinase: Abl), (d) larval salivary gland nuclei (CrebA), (e) adult ovaries (oo18 RNA-binding protein: orb), and (f) adult testis (Syncrip), were detected using anti GFP antibody. Scale bars, 50 μm. (B) Subcellular localization of GFP tagged proteins: (a) cytoplasmic/organelle associated localization of the enzyme Catalase in larval gut tissue, Scale bar, 100 μm (b) nuclear localization of H6-like-homeobox (Hmx) in eye imaginal disc (Green: Hmx-EGFP, Blue: DAPI) and (c) membrane localization of Dpr15 in larval brain tissue (Green: Dpr15-EGFP, Red: HRP). Scale bars, 20 μm.


Figure 2.

Figure 2—figure supplement 1. Colocalization of protein trap GFP expression with specific corresponding antibodies.

Figure 2—figure supplement 1.

Signals from anti Delta (Dl) (Red, top panel) and anti Ecdysone Receptor (EcR) (Red, bottom panel) antibodies show colocalization with anti GFP (green) from the protein trap insertion in third instar larval wing imaginal disc and salivary gland respectively. Scale bars, 50 μm.