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. 2015 Mar 31;4:14. doi: 10.1186/s13742-015-0053-x

Table 1.

Transcriptome assembly and annotation statistics compared with other Tephritid transcriptomes and the Drosophila melanogaster genome

Species B. cucurbitae B. dorsalis a C. capitata b D. melanogaster c
Number of read pairs used in assembly (SRA accession number)
Egg (SRA: SRS691534) 43741314 12462204 - -
Larvae (SRA: SRS691533) 51568835 11753084 - -
Pupae (SRA: SRS691532) 47093178 13291147 93256673 -
Adult (SRA: SRS691531) 46515243 47250123 96929532 -
Total 188918570 84756558 190186205 -
Normalized reads (in silico normalization) 12792085 7796491 17217414 -
Unfiltered assembly
Number of unigenes (or Drosophila genes) 50220 47216 118793 -
N50 longest transcript/unigene 2191 1882 1187 -
Sum longest transcript/unigene (Mb) 49.63 40.20 81.56 -
Number of transcripts 76688 80345 190958 -
N50 transcript length (bp) 2626 2802 2686 -
Sum transcript length (Mb) 100.20 109.48 236.18 -
Transcripts per unigene 1.53 1.70 1.61 -
GC % 38.10 39.11 36.21 -
Filtered de novo assembly or current Drosophila release
Number of unigenes 10425 10784 10741 15504
N50 unigene length (longest transcript/unigene) 3464 3043 3383 2979
Sum longest transcript/unigene (Mb) 28.12 24.46 28.34 30.53
Number of transcripts 17654 23539 21761 25205
N50 transcript length (bp) 3477 3460 3913 3633
Sum transcript length (Mb) 48.28 62.06 66.65 68.47
Isoforms per unigene 1.69 2.18 2.03 1.63
GC % 40.17 40.32 39.41 49.70
N50 protein length (amino acids) 323 301 310 370
Number of proteins with complete ORF (%) 12936 (73.2) 13017 (55.3) 15740 (72.3) -
Annotation statistics
Number of proteins with PFAM domains identified 13029 16612 13646 -
Number of proteins with Gene Ontology Terms 10640 - 13648 -
Number of proteins with gene names 15956 17093 15841 -
Number of proteins with significant hit to Drosophila proteinsd 16070 20713 19245 -

aData from Geib et al., 2014 [2]; bData from Calla et al., 2014 [8]; cData from Flybase r6.03 [11]; dBLASTP hit with e-value cutoff 1e-5.