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. 2015 Mar 31;9:95. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2015.00095

Table 3.

Activation maps comparison for study-specific template and ICA-mfNORM.

Anatomical Regions Study specific template ICA-mfNORM % gain
Coordinates tm Vol (p < 0.01) Coordinates tm Vol (p < 0.01) Local Network ED (mm)
(x,y,z) (x,y,z)
L superior temporal 63 21 9 6.53 1450 60 21 9 6.27 1615 11.38 25.72 3.00
R superior temporal −63 18 9 6.39 964 −63 18 6 5.98 1420 47.30 3.00
L middle temporal 45 15 42 4.41 231 54 24 42 5.40 1282 454.98 98.44 12.73
R middle temporal 0 −15 45 7.30 1051 0 −9 42 6.03 883 −15.98 6.71
Right post-central −66 24 27 6.08 127 −63 18 33 5.06 631 396.85 9.00
L sensorimotor 42 −12 −18 10.66 438 42 −12 −18 8.61 826 88.58 79.30 0.00
R sensorimotor −45 −9 −18 10.70 470 −45 −12 −18 7.99 802 70.64 3.00

The results of the ROI analysis for the group level t-maps.