Figure 1.
Description of the partially-observed transmission networks (POTN) algorithm. (A) Example sampled pair with candidate parent case at time t1 and candidate child at time t2. The time to the most recent common ancestor (tMRCA) is , and so the cumulative time elapsed for genetic evolution between the cases is , as in Equation (1). (B) Example phylogenetic tree describing the genetic relationships among six cases sampled at different times. For each pair of the blue cases, , while for each pair of the red cases and each pair consisting of one red and one blue case, is greater than zero. (C) The POTN corresponding to the phylogenetic tree in panel B. The POTN algorithm identifies ancestral links between the blue cases where , while it leaves the red cases disconnected because there are no observed direct ancestors of the red cases. For the blue cases, the dashed link indicates a redundant grandparent-child link that is removed by the triangle pruning algorithm.