a, Percent response to varying forces of von Frey filaments in Piezo2WT (n = 14) and Piezo2CKO mice (n = 12). b, Percent response to a sweep of cotton on the hind paw in Piezo2WT (n = 14) and Piezo2CKO mice (n = 9). Of note, 6 out of 9 Piezo2CKO mice showed zero responses to the cotton stimulus. c, Time spent on the mechanically active side over the course of 1 hour, with 10 minutes of no stimulation on either side (“off”), Piezo2WT (n = 15) and Piezo2CKO mice (n = 11). d, Number of bouts in response to a 3 cm piece of adhesive tape affixed to the back of a mouse over a 5 minute period in Piezo2WT (n = 14) and Piezo2CKO mice (n = 10). e, Percent time spent on either side of a two choice assay with one zone set at 18 °C and one zone set at 32 °C in Piezo2WT (n = 13) and Piezo2CKO mice (n = 10). Error bars represent SEM, all experiments performed with at least n = 4 separate cohorts of both male and female littermate control mice, * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.005, *** P < 0.0005, Mann Whitney non-parametric analysis.