Fig. 2.
Heat map showing chromatin state enrichment analysis of T1D 99% credible SNP set in ImmunoChip densely mapped regions versus the complement set, within Epigenomic Roadmap and ENCODE tissues. The top coloured row groups cell-types into 4 anatomical categories with relevance to type 1 diabetes, subsequent rows use a red (enrichment) to blue (depletion) scale to illustrate enrichment in a particular chromatin state (1_TssA – Active Tss, 2_TssAFlnk – Flanking Active TSS, 3_TxFlnk – Transcribed at gene 5′ and 3′, 4_Tx – Strong transcription, 5_TxWk – Weak transcription, 6_EnhG – Genic Enhancer, 7_Enh - Enhancer, 8_ZNF/Rpts – ZNF genes & repeats, 9_Het - Heterochromatin, 10_TssBiv- Bivalent/Poised TSS, 11_BivFlnk – Flanking Bivalent TSS/Enhancer, 12_EnhBiv – Bivalent enhancer, 13_RepPC – Repressed PolyComb, 14_RepPCWk – Weak repressed polycomb, 15_Quies – Quiescent/Low).