Figure 1.
Photomicrographs of hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)–stained mouse uteri. A and B: Complex atypical hyperplasia (CAH; A) and hemorrhagic cysts (B) in Wnt-Cre+/−;Ptenf/+;Pik3caE545K uteri at 5 months of age. C: Low-magnification H&E image of Ksp-Cre+/−;Ptenf/f mice with CAH involving entire luminal and glandular epithelium. D: High-magnification image of CAH with areas of squamous metaplasia. E and F: Low-magnification (E) and high-magnification (F) image of Ksp-Cre+/−;Ptenf/f;Pik3caE545K uteri with carcinoma and myometrial invasion. G: Gross morphological features of Ksp-Cre+/−;Ptenf/f;Pik3caE545K uteri with both ovaries engulfed in cysts. H: Gross morphological features of Ksp-Cre+/−;Ptenf/f mice exhibiting uterine disease but normal ovaries. I: Low-magnification H&E image of Ksp-Cre+/−;Pik3caE545K uterus with normal histological features. J: High-magnification image of I. Original magnifications: ×200 (A, D, F, and J); ×40 (B, C, E, and I).