Deviations from the baseline gene expression and deviations from the baseline physiology are correlated across different experimental groups and treatment regimens
A-D White adipose (A, B) and liver (C, D) TDIs (deviations from the baseline gene expression) are correlated with PDIs (deviations from the baseline physiology) across different experimental groups and treatment regimens. PDIs of four physiological markers are shown, two that are highly correlated with adipose transcriptome (A, B) and two that are highly correlated with hepatic transcriptome (C, D).
E Adipose TDIs and plasma cholesterol PDIs are generally correlated, but this does not hold for animals treated with T090137 (purple dots at the top left corner of the figure), probably due to this drug's particular mechanism of action (see main text). The correlation displayed in (E) increases from 0.59 to 0.8 (P < 1.3e-13) when excluding the T090137 animals.
Data information: Each dot represents one animal; color codes denote the different experimental groups. The dashed lines are linear regression lines. The complete data are available in Supplementary
Table S7 and in
Supplementary Figs S8 and S9.
P-values are adjusted to multiple hypotheses testing as described in the main text. Source data are available online for this figure.