Figure 2.
Runx1-dependent Zfp521 marks mainly TH+ VGLUT3 lineage neurons. A, B, Zfp521 mRNA detected by ISH on transverse sections through E13.5 or E16 lumbar DRGs of wild-type embryos (A), P30 lumbar DRGs of wild-type control mice (B, “Ctrl”), and Runx1F/F;Wnt1Cre/+ CKO mice (B, right). Arrow and arrowheads in B indicate Zfp521high and Zfp521low expression, respectively. C, Double-color ISH on sections through P30 lumbar DRG of wild-type mice. Arrow indicates neurons coexpressing Zfp521 and Runx1. Arrowhead indicates a Zfp521low neuron not coexpressing Runx1. D, Zfp521 ISH on a section through P30 lumbar DRG of ROSA26Tomato/+;Vglut3Cre/+ mice. Arrows indicate coexpression of Zfp521 mRNA in VGLUT3-Tomato+ neurons. Arrowheads indicate Tomato+ neurons with smallest cell diameters and expressing little or none of Zfp521. E, Double-color ISH on sections through P30 lumbar DRG of wild-type mice indicating coexpression of Zfp521 and TH. Scale bars, 50 μm.