Fig. 2.
Relationship between GM volume in the amygdala, emotion regulation ability and physical health. Scatter plots for correlation between (a) physical health and emotion regulation ability indexed by score on Stress Management Scale in the EQ-i, (b) emotion regulation ability and average GM volume in the amygdala and (c) physical health and average GM volume in the amygdala. (d) GM volume in the amygdala as a mediator in the correlation between emotion regulation ability and physical health in the mediation analysis. Path coefficients are shown next to arrows indicating each link in the analysis. For the association between emotion regulation ability and physical health, the value below the arrow indicates the zero-order correlation, and the value above the arrow represents the correlation after controlling the mediator of GM volume in the amygdala. All values represent standardized betas. *P < 0.01; **P < 0.001.